It seems you are attempting to browse this site in "Private" browsing mode.
The private browsing mode restricts the flow of data and associated cookies, which results in blocking the web-page from displaying.
- To confirm if your device has "Private" browsing settings applied you must click the
button to minimize the browser window.
- The option "Private" will now be displayed.
- In an iPhone this option will display at the bottom.In an iPad the "Private" option will display at the top. Refer to the sample screen-grabs below.
- If the option "Private" is selected this will appear as a button, with White background.
- To exit the "Private" browsing mode, tap this button once. This action will remove the White background and "Turn-Off" the Private browsing mode.
- After completing the above steps, click "Done" to save the changes.
- You must once again try to enter the URL and check if the AZARDI Digital Bookstore is now loading fine.